
After a year in gestation, Gardener’s Gold® Wool Pellets birthed. Our name is a registered Trademark, the machines are installed, powered up, and pellets are in production! I am enjoying the days of infancy. I am still waiting for the specialty fertilizer labels to be approved by the CDFA, but starting to introduce the pellets to the public under a label without the claims. In the coming days, I will post the NPK analysis information that I have received from the various samples of pellets tested.

The Solano County Farm Bureau has been wonderful in assisting with promotion and recently visited to gather videos and pictures that will be magically turned into a social media promotion.

I enjoy making the pellets! It is dirty work, but so far has not been hot, dirty work. I have been blessed with cooler temperatures as I prepare for events where we will offer sales. I will start posting events on the website calendar where you can learn more and see these pellets and the amazing benefits they offer for your soil and plants!

Making pellets makes me happy!


Producing, Learning, Adjusting


No Foolin’